Winter Programme 2016 2017
All meetings are held on the first Wednesday in St. Chad’s Church Hall, Town Walls, Shrewsbury at 7.30pm. SY1 1JX

Wednesday November 2nd

Tools for Self Reliance – a talk  by Dave Thomlinson on this charity which refurbishes tools for Africa. Donated tools are restored and sent to project areas in Africa. Further details can be viewed at

Wednesday 7th December - Christmas Bring and Share.

Wednesday 4th January
Razvan Chisu – plants and castles in Transylvania.  A talk by this up and coming Romanian horticulturalist based in Cheshire.  Raz will talk about woodlands/meadow plants/haymaking/alpine plants/castles & fortified churches in Romania.

Wednesday 1st February
Clive Rogers, bee inspector for Shropshire and bee keeper at Attingham Park. Clive’s talk will focus particularly on the decline of bees and the issues around this.

Saturday February 4th 9.30 onwards
                   Potato Day...........see pictures page

Wednesday 1st March
Jonathan Groom, British Trust for Ornithology field recorder. Jonathan will talk about his work in identifying & finding nesting birds around the country, the decline in bird populations & what we can do to help out local birds.

Wednesday 5th April - AGM

For more details contact
Chairman Peter Anderson 01939 260 935 or
Programme Siobhan Reedy 01743 790 179

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