Meetings will be held on the 1st Wednesday of the month in The Bradbury Room, Drapers Place, Horsefair, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury SY2 6BP unless otherwise stated.
7.30pm Start Time
1st November - The Peat Debate and Responsible Sourcing of Alternatives - The Story Continues! Richard Cave, Technical Sales Manager, Melcourt Industries Ltd
Richard returns to continue the second part of the talk he started back in February providing an introduction to the peat debate, then covering the Melcourt Responsible Sourcing Scheme and how materials are being assessed to compare against peat. The aim is to understand what we are replacing it with and ensure we’re not using something more damaging.
6th December - Christmas Bring and Share and our Big Seed and Garden Paraphernalia Swap - SOGs Logo Competition Decision
10th January (online Zoom meeting) - Steven Jacobs - Business Development Manager for the Organic Farmers and Growers team based in Shropshire
Steven's talk will cover the work OF&G has been doing to get the government to support an increase in UK organic acreage as part of a Progressive Land Use Strategy, and also separately advocating for greater genetic diversity in plant breeding.
7th February - Final details for Potato Day followed by: The History and Origin of Vegetables, Howard Goslyn
Shropshire-based, Howard will take us as far back as the Stone Age to see where our vegetables originated and includes poisonous plants and the Doctrine of Signatures.
Saturday February 10th - Potato Day - Wattlesborough Village Hall
6th March - The Natural Gardener - Gardening with the Cycles of Nature - Shropshire-based Nancy Lowe will tell us about practical wildlife gardening, looking in more detail at ecological planting choices, growing techniques, garden features and enhancements that support local wildlife. This will be relevant to veg gardens, orchards or fruit growing and ornamental beds.
3rd April - AGM + Speakers from each of the Growing Projects that SOGs have donated funds to in the last 12 months to give us updates on how they used the money.
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