Ethical Organic Seeds
Ethical Organic Seeds are based in Hyde, Manchester. They supply seeds that are organic and responsibly sourced, packed in 100% eco-friendly, recyclable and biodegradable packaging. Seeds are regularly tried and tested by staff to ensure reliable quality
Organic Gardener
Organic Gardener supply a range of organic flower bulbs, eco-friendly perennials and organic potted soft fruit plants as well as organic seeds which are produced by organic and eco-friendly growers in the Netherlands and the UK. They are based in East Devon and the owners emigrated from the Netherlands in 2020.
The Organic Gardening Catalogue
The Organic Gardening Catalogue (previously part of Garden Organic) have been supplying high quality seeds for over 50 years including old vegetable varieties which thrive in organic growing conditions, newer varieties with greater pest and disease tolerance/resistance, and green manure seeds. 

The Real Seeds Catalogue
Real Seeds have been producing seed for over 25 years and are based in Newport, Wales. All the seed is grown, dried and stored professionally. All varieties are real, open-pollinated seed (non-hybrid). They pride themselves on only offering proven, reliable varieties they have grown themselves, both heirlooms and modern strains.
Tamar Organics
Tamar Organics originated as a small market garden and now supplies a range of organic vegetable, herb and flower seeds as well as organic onions, shallots, garlic, seed potatoes, and composts and fertilizers suitable for use in organic gardens. Tamar Organics supports Joliba Trust, a charity working in central Mali funding agricultural, horticultural and environmental projects.
Vital Seeds
Vital Seeds, members of the Open Source Seed Initiative and the Land Workers' Alliance, are based in Devon and supply a range of vegetable, herb and flower seeds in plastic-free and home-compostable packaging.
Wales Seed Hub 
The Wales Seed Hub is a cooperative of growers, working together to market, pack and distribute seed grown on Welsh farms using agroecological practices. Seed is open pollinated and carefully selected and they try to grow varieties that are not widely available elsewhere and grow well in the Welsh climate. 

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