Potato Day 2016 is to be held on February 6th at Montford Village Hall.
The original and best potato day in the area and our 12th.  See comments made in the newsletter.
See map below list for location.
Don't forget to gather your pens, labels, baskets and bags or boxes for the day. 

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note the changes below

Potato Day 2016                             Varieties Ordered



Accent             FE

Alouette          EM

Ambo               EM

Arran Victory M

Athlette           SE

Bambino         EM

British Queen SE

Cara                  M

Carolus            M

Casablanca     FE

Charlotte         SE

Colleen            FE

Cosmos            M

Desiree            M

Golden Wonder   M

Linda                SE

Marfona          SE

Maris Bard     FE

Maris Peer      SE

Nicola              EM

Pink Fir Apple    M

Record             M

Sante               M


Sarpo Mira     M


Non Organic


Anya                        SE

Arran Pilot             FE

BF15                       SE

Belle de Fontenay new addition

Carlingford            SE

Duke of York         FE

Dunluce                  FE

Estima                     SE

Foremost               FE

Innovator               SE

Gemson                  SE

Maris Piper            M

Mayan Gold          M  no longer available

Purple Majesty     M no longer available

Ratte                       M

Red Duke of York FE

Rocket                    FE

Sharpes Express FE

Swift                        FE

Valor                       M

Winston                 FE

Violette    new addition

Yukon Gold           M


Sarpo Axona         M

Sarpo Blue Danube  EM

Sarpo Kifli              EM

Sarpo Shona         EM

Sarpo Una             SE no longer available






FE    First Early

SE    Second Early

EM  Early Maincrop

M     Maincrop



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