Shropshire Good Food Partnership is excited to be hosting the Marches Real Food and Farming Conference, being held at Partridge Farm, Linley Estate this September 15th and 16th. The inspiration behind the creation of the MRFFC is the long-running Oxford Real Farming Conference (ORFC), now entering its 15th year as 'a movement dedicated to transforming food and farming systems for good'.  

The MRFFC is all about our region and how we can create a regenerative and resilient food future here in the Marches in the face of a wide range of challenging conditions. The aim of this conference is to cross borders and bring together producers from all backgrounds with an interest in future-proofing their farming. 

If you’d like to come along and support the conference plus meet up with like-minded peers to be part of creating our Local Food Future, you can book tickets here through Eventbrite (Cost: £40 for one day, £65 for whole conference  - camping pitch £10 per night)

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